The Coulee City Office
The Coulee City Office is our main office. Located on Main Street, we are above the Coulee City Library at the first right at the top of the stairs. This office is open from 9 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday. Mike's days in this office are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We always welcome you to come in and ask questions about your policy, pay a bill, or just chat about the harvest season.
More Information
The building our office is in was built in the early 1900s, but only started hosting insurance agencies in he 70s. First we were called Tanneberg Insurance, then changed to Thomsen Insurance in 2008, and finally became Mike Casey Insurance in 2015. The building has also been rented out by many other businesses, including the local library, the fitness and tanning center, a licensed massage therapist, and, up until recently, the local newspaper.
Sandi is the person you will see just about every day. She works here every Monday through Friday from open to close. She takes charge of the office while Mike Casey is at our other office in Wilbur, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Every other day, you can find them both here working together to serve the community's insurance needs.
If you have an urgent matter that needs dealing with, feel free to call the office's number, at (509) 681-5661
For less urgent matters, contact either agent at mike@caseyins.com or sandi@caseyins.com